

Menelaos Kanakis

Do I expect the Resurrection of the dead?
Death is to exist without living.
To feel without feeling.
To discuss without communicating.
To coexist without being related.
To see enemies everywhere and to be at war while striving for the good.
To not enjoy
what you objectively cannot enjoy
neither what you can,
by sticking to the corresponding arguments.
To get involved in building or maintaining your own hell and then complain about your Paradise lost.
To touch without touching.
To look without seeing.
To realize without understanding.
To hear without listening.
To speak of love without love, of respect without respect, of justice without justice, of eros without eros.

To embrace your justified anger and to not get angry by reacting in favor of your life, in favor of the Life lost.

To hastily pass by a children’s smile,
an old man’s stare, the chirping of a bird,
the flying of a butterfly,
the whisper of snow,
the morning dew,
all the little daily things that surround you,
by looking for the "big" ones,
ignoring that all little ones make up your life’s puzzle.

To remain unmoved by a sunset,
the smell of rain,
the flowers blooming around you,
the leaves that fall in autumn,
the wonder of opening your eyes every morning.

To regret all that you do not have and which can be bought, forgetting that you must defend the most important things
like love, joy, trust, appreciation, meaning of life,
as a way of life
and act to generate them,
for they cannot be bought.

Let us leave the dead and bury the dead inside us.
Why should we deserve to be Resurrected from the dead
if we spent our lives lifeless while alive
What kind of a God that we take for a fool
do we seek to resurrect us after death
if we have lived on death’s terms?
I Expect Resurrection for the living…
Happy Easter!