

Menelaos Kanakis

• There are cuddles without touching
• There are glances without looking
• There are passions without inspiration.
• There is a childhood without childishness.
• There is Sun Dawn without East.
• There is a dream without vision.
• There is a debate without communication.
• There is creation without art.
• There is expectation without hope.
• There is reading without studying.
• There is time without moments.
• There is companionship without friendship.
• There is sex without love.
• There romance without love.
• There is copulation without companionship.
• There is pleasure without joy.
• There is lust without satisfaction.
• There is wealth without affluence.
• There is giving without offering.
• There is perception without comprehension
• There is release without liberation
• There is existence without life.
• There is growing up without adulthood.

There are many ways to distort what LIFE can be.
There are many ways to turn beauty into ugliness, good into evil,
The substance into emptiness, the enjoyable into misery.
But darkness has no substance.
Darkness exists as a result of the absence of light.
When it gets dark, the light stops.
Our freedom is in the decision and commitment to ourselves
To add LIGHT in our LIFE,
To fight against anything that may bring or maintain the darkness,
To be participants and creators rather than observers of our lives!
Ιt is our ability to add taste in our food instead of making it bland and tasteless just to fill the stomach.
It is our decision to be participants and creators rather than observers of our lives!
It may not be obvious since we have rarely experienced it through our personal history.
The usual thing is that we do not even understand how we participate even unconsciously to the opposite effect of what is worth and how we want to live.
Each one is always alone in the face of his freedom
But it is we who finally decide which course we want to lead our lives and how we want to live.
But …
Darkness is always the absence of light.